The HBF Council

Councillors play an important role in the governance of HBF and act as the formal members of the company.

The Councillors are the formal custodians of HBF and provide governance input to the board. Councillors are elected by serving Councillors and Registered Policy Holders who have been HBF members for more than 10 years. They also must be suitably qualified in line with our Constitution. The responsibilities and functions of the Council are:

  • The election of suitable persons to the Board and if necessary, the removal of unsuitable persons from the Board
  • Ensuring Board members are remunerated at a level appropriate to an organisation of the size, style and complexity of HBF in the context of HBF wishing to attract quality Board members
  • To act as guardians of the Constitution of HBF, which can only be amended by a special resolution passed at a General Meeting of Councillors.

There are three types of councillors:

  • Elected Councillors: elected by ballot of Registered Policy holders
  • General Councillors: elected by General Councillors
  • Board Councillors: HBF Chairman and five longest-serving directors.

Elected Council Results

In accordance with 3.5(b)(x) of the HBF Constitution and Rule 2.4.2(l) Mr Robert Naudi and Mr John Ford have been appointed as Elected Councillors of HBF.

Elected Councillors

  • Anthony Evans
  • Gail Russell
  • Moira Watson
  • John Ford
  • Susan Milos
  • Robert Naudi

General Councillors

  • Kenneth Perry
  • Fiona Kalaf
  • Peter Moore
  • Brian Roche
  • Stephen Jones
  • Andrew Cook
  • Chris Ryan
  • Charlotte Dunn
  • Evelyn Hogg

Board Councillors

  • Diane Smith-Gander
  • Brent Stewart
  • Gai McGrath
  • Jennifer Seabrook
  • Sami Yalavac
  • Mary Anne Stephens

Registered Policy Holders

HBF is seeking nominations from existing HBF / see-u by HBF/ Queensland Country Health Fund (QCHF) or Territory Health members wishing to become a Registered Policy Holder and be eligible to vote in Elected Councillor elections. To be eligible to become a Registered Policy Holder, you must be over 18 years old and must have been a member with hospital cover for more than 10 continuous years. A Registered Policy Holder application form is available below.

Registered Policy Holder Form (PDF)

Council Charter

This Council Charter sets out the role of Councillors and the responsibilities of the HBF Council.

View the Council Charter (PDF)